Sunday, August 15, 2010

The "task manager" of my win xp is corrupted or damaged?

it is corrupted as pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del brings a task manager which is incomplete as it has no close(cross) button,minimize button,only one tab and nothing other than that..

now how to get it back, i don want to restore my system to back as it probably happened a month ago and i discovered it now,also upgrading is very time consuming as i have to uninstall all my anti-virus softwares/anti-spywares and it take a long time (probably a full day) to update those via my very slow internet connection

so is there any way to get windows task manager back to normal,if so then how? please suggest me.


The "task manager" of my win xp is corrupted or damaged?liveupdate

as your file is corrupted its better to reload the windows installation by upgrading...other wise its not possible to repair it..

The "task manager" of my win xp is corrupted or damaged?nortin

easy just dould-click on the side and there u go! Report It

Weird... Although the slow connections sounds like virus / spyware. Spybot %26 Adware are both free. I usually use two or three programs - you'd be surprized at what Adware kicks out and Spybot didn't catch it.

Also, do you still have your OS cd? Place it in D Drive and just let it sit there, close the window that pops up regarding the disk, go to START - RUN - and type sfc.exe. It will compare system file signatures and correct the problem. Also, open your computer with SAFE MODE WITH COMMAND OPTIONS - when the computer asks for a command type CHKDSK - just another way of running checktool, but sometimes it makes a heck of a difference!

I wish you luck!

I did a search for "reinstall task manager" and found this tutorial:

I never tried it and don't know what it will do exactly, but it might solve your problem.

Hope this helps

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