he was asking what else soft ware do i need to be installed my require ments c, ,c++,oracle etc do i need to tell him to install all these and what about anti virus softwares could some one give the list of softwares to be installed
I am buying a hcl laptop linux preloaded i have asked the shop keeper to install windosxp ...........?norton 2008
Theres no way we can answer this for you as we don't know what you will be using it for.
And you need to check the price for all these things they are offering to install.
Having C or C++ on there is a waste of money if you won't be programming in them, Oracle a waste if you aren't running huge databases.
As for Anti-Virus - There are that many good FREE options on the net, AVG is the one I would recommend, that it's pointless paying for anything to be installed
I am buying a hcl laptop linux preloaded i have asked the shop keeper to install windosxp ...........?pop up blocker
if your only using it to surf the net then just stick with linux .. u wont need any antivirus for linux its like apple hardly any viruses for it .. but if he is ganna install xp for free then go with the xp more user friendly . unless u know alittle about linux
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