I keep getting those errors when trying to install a printer on my Gateway laptop. I've tried starting, stopping, and disabling services from "Admin. Tools"...I feel like I have looked at EVERYTHING on the internet. I heard it might have to do with certain anti-virus softwares, so I uninstalled mine and it still wouldn't work. HELP!
RPC server unavailable/Print spooler service not running...?pop up blocker
First you have to get the printer spooler running again.
You can reboot, or you can go to services, find the print spooler service, and restart it.
On XP, that would be Right click on My Computer, Manage, Services and Applications, Services, Print Spooler, Right-click, Restart.
The problem is ofte caused by a bad printer driver. Whatever the lastest drivers you loaded since you started having the problem should be removed, and reloaded from a freash download. Make sure it is the right driver for the printer, and for the OS.
RPC server unavailable/Print spooler service not running...?systemworks
you should aso make sure your RPC and RPC locator are actived, along with the print spooler, also make sure your server is activated too.....if you look up under servers in admin. tools then services, you can go to server, dependancies, it will probebly say the print spooler is dependant on it. Report It
What company is on your printer go to their website they may have online support chat that can help you with that my company help me with my printing problems a couple of days ago.
if all else fails try a system restore?
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