Sunday, August 15, 2010

Help! I'm new to mac computers?

Hey there! I just bought a mac computer two days ago, and im still conditioned to the windows computers. Is there any advice you'd like to give me? XD Such as how to copy and paste text from websites? (That ones been giving me trouble -___- ) And can you print screens? Also, are their anti-virus softwares?

Any input regarding any aspect of a mac computer is greatly appreciated!

Thanks :D

Help! I'm new to mac computers?pc security

Here's some links with some various tips and such.

Aside from screen grab, there are simple apps that will let you capture video screenshots, as well. There's a lot of free software at Apple's OS X Downloads page. If you plug in a mouse with two buttons and a scroll wheel, you can use the right click and (my personal favorite) assign Expos茅 to be invoked when you press the scroll wheel. Expos茅 is awesome. If you haven't played with it yet, open multiple windows and press F9, F10 and F11. F12 operates the Dashboard. To use look up a word in the dictionary, just place the mouse over the word and press Command+Control+D, no need to highlight the word. :-) Have fun!

Yeah, no need for anti-virus. I've been using Mac for two years with no problems.

Help! I'm new to mac computers?symantic

I purchased a MacBook about three months ago, and I love it, but it some times is hard to switch mind sets after working on PC all day, so I understand your dilemma. If there is an Apple store near by check with them, most stores offer a work session on introducing the Mac to new users. Also, there some books in print that cover your question topics.
i think pc's are better.

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